Quality & Environment

Spinova's quality and environmental policy and it's objectives are based on our business concept and objectives of being a flexible supplier that meets our customers need in the best possible way at all levels. For us, customer satifaction is crucial.

We use our resources in an efficient way in our business, which puts the customer´s and other stakeholders needs and requirements for quality and environment in focus. During all phases of our customers product life cycles, we must meet the requirements and expectations placed on us, by our customers, stakeholders in our organization and in current legislation and regulations.

By constantly improving and updating our business system, we adapt our business so that we can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the environmental impact of our business with focus on materials, transportation, energy use and waste.

We are constantly working to develop employees skills and increase our commitment to quality and enviromental issues.

We have estabilshed and measurable quality and enviromental objectives which are regulary followed up and revised. We continuously review our enviromental spects and improve these over time to contribute to long-term and sustainable development.

We are certified and meet the requirements of ISO standards 9001 and 14001. Our business system supports and coordinates our process well as our work with continuous development and improvement in quality and environment. This gives us systematic approach to continuously follow up our quality and environmental objectives and take measures for continuous improvement.